A dividend rate that will capture your attention – and keep your money growing.
Attractive dividend rates make our Money Market accounts a preferred alternative to standard checking accounts.
Your Money Market account has a few more restrictions than a standard checking account, but it earns higher dividends. A Money Market account offers more flexibility than a Share Certificate, as you can withdraw your funds without a penalty.
Signature FCU Money Market accounts always offer:
A consistent, competitive rate - dividends are tiered based on your balance
Access to your money without an early withdrawal penalty
Six withdrawals per month
55 or older? Consider the Signature Legacy Money Market account.
Application Center
Ready to open your Money Market account? Complete the application below.
View Money Market Rates Membership Application
Already a Member?
Simply add a Money Market Account by logging into the Online Branch or our SFCU Mobile App, click the hamburger menu in the top left-hand corner, then click on the account name at the very bottom of the menu. Select the Add An Account button from the list of options that appears. For additional information contact our Member Services Department at (800) 336.0284 ext. 684 or MemberServices@signaturefcu.org or complete the Account Update form below.
Account Update Form
Return the completed form by mail or by using our Secure Upload button, we'll take it from there.