Banking at your fingertips.
Access your accounts everywhere you are from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Get account balances, view transaction history, conduct transactions, pay bills, enroll and view e-statements, transfer funds to and from another financial institution, and even apply for a loan everywhere you are by logging into your account.
Online Branch features:
View balances and transfer funds
View accounts, loans, and Visa® transactions
Make Loan and Visa payments
Apply for a loan
Transfer funds to other Signature FCU member’s accounts
Remote Deposit Anywhere (RDA)1
Bill-Pay - To learn more about Web BillPay, click here.
Find a shared branch or free ATM near you
View mortgage balance and transactions
Transfer funds from another financial institution (External Transfers)
Connect your AMEX, Chase, Citibank, and Target Visa accounts to view your balances in the SFCU app
Freeze/unfreeze your SFCU Visa Credit and Debit Cards in the event they are lost or stolen
Manage Cards, Alerts and Protections
SFCU reserves the right to impose limits on the amount(s) and/or number of deposits.
Log in to Online Branch
Please Note: The SFCU Mobile Banking App and Online Branch will not be accessible nightly during the overnight update process typically, from 12:00 AM – 3 AM EST. If you log in during the nightly update, it will say "error syncing." In addition, when traveling overseas you will only be able to access your accounts through the mobile app; for security purposes Online Branch will not allow you to login in a foreign country.
Download the following apps through your smartphone app store:
Access your accounts 24/7 from your smartphone or tablet device. Download our mobile app by searching SFCU Mobile Banking in your smartphone app store.
View balances and transfer funds
View accounts, loans, and Visa® transactions
Make Loan and Visa payments
Apply for a loan
Transfer funds to other Signature FCU member’s accounts
Remote Deposit Anywhere (RDA)
Bill-Pay - To learn more about Web BillPay, click here.
Find a shared branch or free ATM near you
View mortgage balance and transactions
Transfer funds from another financial institution (External Transfers)
Face ID for easy access
Connect your AMEX, Chase, Citibank, and Target Visa accounts to view your balances in the SFCU app
Freeze/unfreeze your SFCU Visa Credit and Debit Cards in the event they are lost or stolen
Manage Cards, Alerts and Protections

Need help? View our Mobile Banking User Guide for assistance or call (800) 336.0284 ext. 684.
As a Signature FCU member, you have access to over 5,000+ shared branches and 30,000+ FREE ATMs across the country. You can even text your zip code to 91989 and you will get a text back with free ATMs near you.
Additional details at
Locate a FREE CO-OP ATM or Shared Branch

In addition to the CO-OP network, Signature FCU members have access to the CULIANCE (Formerly CU24) network of over 300,000+ FREE ATMs across the country.
Additional details at

TEXT "JOIN SFCU" TO (703) 683.7300
Get details about Signature FCU's latest promotions sent straight to your phone. Text Join SFCU to (703) 683.7300 to enroll in our weekly text notifications.
Need assistance enrolling? Contact our E-Services department at